Cut The Knot!

An interactive column using Java applets
by Alex Bogomolny

  1. October 1997, Spreading Memes
  2. November 1997, Breaking Chocolate Bars
  3. December 1997, Tribute to Invariance
  4. January 1998, Between Arithmetic and Algebra
  5. February 1998, Dot Patterns and Sierpinski Gasket
  6. March 1998, The Collage Theorem
  7. April 1998, Merlin's Magic Squares
  8. May 1998, Pick's Theorem
  9. June 1998, Modes of Thinking
  10. July 1998, Proofs Without Words
  11. August 1998, Mathematics || Computers (Or Is It &&?)
  12. September 1998, Hearty Munching on Cardioids
  13. October 1998, Periodic Points of Quadratic Polynomials
  14. November 1998, Doodling and Miracles
  15. December 1998, Morley's Pursuit of Incidence
  16. January 1999, Lines, Circles and Beyond
  17. February 1999, On Motivation and Understanding
  18. March 1999, Napoleon's Theorem
  19. April 1999, Slider Puzzles
  20. May 1999, Where To Start?
  21. June 1999, Mathematics and Biology
  22. July 1999, Place Value
  23. August 1999, What, how, and the Web
  24. September 1999, From Lewis Carroll to Archimedes
  25. October 1999, A Matter of Appreciation
  26. November 1999, The Menelaus Theorem
  27. December 1999, Invitation to MasterMind
  28. January 2000, Technology: Past and Future
  29. February 2000, What Is Your Answer to That Question?
  30. March 2000, The Tesseract
  31. April 2000, A Broken Calculator
  32. May 2000, The Three Jugs Problem
  33. June 2000, A Thing in Common
  34. July 2000, 4 Construction Problems
  35. August 2000, Impressions from ICME-9
  36. September 2000, Chance Encounters at ICME-9
  37. October 2000, Mathematical Droodles
  38. November 2000, Morley's Redux and More
  39. December 2000, Skimming A Century of Calculus
  40. January 2001, Why Not Geometry?
  41. February 2001, Freaky Links
  42. March 2001, The Drills To Play
  43. April 2001, Taking Games Seriously
  44. May 2001, The Hot Game of Nim
  45. June 2001, Parrondo Paradox
  46. July 2001, First Proofs
  47. August 2001, Math Surprises: An Example
  48. September 2001, The Theorem of Barbier
  49. October 2001, Necessary and Sufficient
  50. November 2001, Seeing Is Believing
  51. December 2001, A Case of Similarity
  52. January 2002, The Constitution and Paradoxes
  53. February 2002, Student's Social Choice
  54. March 2002, Of Looking and Seeing
  55. April 2002, The Puzzlers' Pigeonhole
  56. May 2002, Concyclic Circumcenters: A Dynamic View
  57. June 2002, Concyclic Circumcenters: A Sequel
  58. July 2002, Napoleon's Propeller
  59. October 2002, Single Pile Games
  60. November 2002, Do You Speak Mathematics?
  61. December 2002, The Complete Quadrilateral
  62. January 2003, Computer As a Magician
  63. February 2003, Inversion
  64. April 2003, Et tu ...
  65. May 2003, The Lepidoptera of the Circles
  66. July 2003, Generating Functions
  67. August 2003, Bride's Chair
  68. September 2003, A Sampling from a Geometry Collection
  69. October 2003, Mazes
  70. December 2003, Erro Ergo Disco
  71. January 2004, Collinearity in Bicentric Quadrilaterals
  72. March 2004, The Parabola
  73. May 2004, According to the Rules


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Copyright © 1996-2018 Alexander Bogomolny