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Cut The Knot!by Alex Bogomolny |
- October 1997, Spreading Memes
- November 1997, Breaking Chocolate Bars
- December 1997, Tribute to Invariance
- January 1998, Between Arithmetic and Algebra
- February 1998, Dot Patterns and Sierpinski Gasket
- March 1998, The Collage Theorem
- April 1998, Merlin's Magic Squares
- May 1998, Pick's Theorem
- June 1998, Modes of Thinking
- July 1998, Proofs Without Words
- August 1998, Mathematics || Computers (Or Is It &&?)
- September 1998, Hearty Munching on Cardioids
- October 1998, Periodic Points of Quadratic Polynomials
- November 1998, Doodling and Miracles
- December 1998, Morley's Pursuit of Incidence
- January 1999, Lines, Circles and Beyond
- February 1999, On Motivation and Understanding
- March 1999, Napoleon's Theorem
- April 1999, Slider Puzzles
- May 1999, Where To Start?
- June 1999, Mathematics and Biology
- July 1999, Place Value
- August 1999, What, how, and the Web
- September 1999, From Lewis Carroll to Archimedes
- October 1999, A Matter of Appreciation
- November 1999, The Menelaus Theorem
- December 1999, Invitation to MasterMind
- January 2000, Technology: Past and Future
- February 2000, What Is Your Answer to That Question?
- March 2000, The Tesseract
- April 2000, A Broken Calculator
- May 2000, The Three Jugs Problem
- June 2000, A Thing in Common
- July 2000, 4 Construction Problems
- August 2000, Impressions from ICME-9
- September 2000, Chance Encounters at ICME-9
- October 2000, Mathematical Droodles
- November 2000, Morley's Redux and More
- December 2000, Skimming A Century of Calculus
- January 2001, Why Not Geometry?
- February 2001, Freaky Links
- March 2001, The Drills To Play
- April 2001, Taking Games Seriously
- May 2001, The Hot Game of Nim
- June 2001, Parrondo Paradox
- July 2001, First Proofs
- August 2001, Math Surprises: An Example
- September 2001, The Theorem of Barbier
- October 2001, Necessary and Sufficient
- November 2001, Seeing Is Believing
- December 2001, A Case of Similarity
- January 2002, The Constitution and Paradoxes
- February 2002, Student's Social Choice
- March 2002, Of Looking and Seeing
- April 2002, The Puzzlers' Pigeonhole
- May 2002, Concyclic Circumcenters: A Dynamic View
- June 2002, Concyclic Circumcenters: A Sequel
- July 2002, Napoleon's Propeller
- October 2002, Single Pile Games
- November 2002, Do You Speak Mathematics?
- December 2002, The Complete Quadrilateral
- January 2003, Computer As a Magician
- February 2003, Inversion
- April 2003, Et tu ...
- May 2003, The Lepidoptera of the Circles
- July 2003, Generating Functions
- August 2003, Bride's Chair
- September 2003, A Sampling from a Geometry Collection
- October 2003, Mazes
- December 2003, Erro Ergo Disco
- January 2004, Collinearity in Bicentric Quadrilaterals
- March 2004, The Parabola
- May 2004, According to the Rules

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