Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Raymond Smullyan, a Mathematician, Philosopher and author of several outstanding books of logical puzzles, tells, in one of his books, a revealing story. A friend invited him for dinner. He told Smullyan that his teenage son was crazy about Smullyan's books and could not wait to meet him. The friend warned Smullyan not to mention that he is a Mathematician and that Logic is a part of Mathematics because the young fellow hated Mathematics.
Having told this story, would it be wise to announce up front what this site is about? Perhaps against a better judgement, I've put together a manifesto that aims to explain the purpose of this site.
By the way, did you know that...
- Much as with people, there are irrational, perfect, complex numbers
- You can add apples and oranges
- A clock never showing right time might be preferable to the one showing right time twice a day
- You are wrong if you think Mathematics is not fun
- Among all shapes with the same area circle has the shortest perimeter
- For every object there is a distance at which it looks its best
- Sets may be thick, thin and normal
- Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area
- There are curves that fill a plane without holes
- At any given time in New York there live at least two people with the same number of hairs
- Complex number to a complex power may be real
- How to write an equation of the union of two sets
- Complex number to a complex power may be real
- In the sequence of all integers, there are arbitrary long runs with no primes
- Simple Quadrilaterals Tessellate the Plane
- There are three plane regions that share exactly the same boundary
- There are things distant yet near. There are others that are near yet distant
- You can add apples and oranges
- Simple quadrilaterals tessellate the plane
Last updated: July 6, 2018 What has changed? |
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