Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Raymond Smullyan, a Mathematician, Philosopher and author of several outstanding books of logical puzzles, tells, in one of his books, a revealing story. A friend invited him for dinner. He told Smullyan that his teenage son was crazy about Smullyan's books and could not wait to meet him. The friend warned Smullyan not to mention that he is a Mathematician and that Logic is a part of Mathematics because the young fellow hated Mathematics.
Having told this story, would it be wise to announce up front what this site is about? Perhaps against a better judgement, I've put together a manifesto that aims to explain the purpose of this site.
By the way, did you know that...
- You are wrong if you think Mathematics is not fun
- There are three plane regions that share exactly the same boundary
- Some numbers are lucky. 13 is one
- 0!=1
- There are many things that can be multiplied
- Two simple polygons of equal area can be dissected into a finite number of congruent polygons
- Almost every integer has the digit 3 in it
- There is order in chaos
- Some numbers are lucky. 13 is one
- Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area
- Demographic tests show that the person least likely to buy Wired magazine is an American schoolteacher
- There are things distant yet near. There are others that are near yet distant
- A continuous linear function must have the form f(x)=ax. Discontinuous linear functions look dreadful
- Every infinite set contains uncountably many nested subsets
- cos(36) = (1 + sqrt(5))/4
- There exist triangular numbers that are also square
- As in the art, there are imaginary and surreal numbers
- Much as with people, there are irrational, perfect, complex numbers
- C - C = [-1, 1]
- There are just five regular polyhedra
Last updated: July 6, 2018 What has changed? |
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