Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 11:55:44 -0700
From: ""
Reply-To: ""
Subject: Sci/Tech Web Awards 2003 Winner

Your web site has been Awarded the
2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards
Brought to you by


Dear Awardee,

CONGRATULATIONS! has selected your web site as a WINNER of the 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards.

Each year, our editors review over a thousand web sites and select the 50 they deem the most innovative, creative and valuable as science and technology resources for our readers.

This year your web site has been selected as one of the best of its kind.


You can review other top 50 winners beginning Tuesday, May 27 at:


We will be working with members of the media to bring this award and its winners, via a news release, to a large audience.*

We encourage you to let the online world know you are honored as a top site of the 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards by using our awards logo. The logo is easy to implement, just place the following hyperlink code in your document and provide a convenient way for your readers to see what we said about your site. Please do not download the gif file to help us to adhere to copyright issues.

Here's the code:

Scientific American 2003 Sci/Tech Web Awards

Congratulations once again.


Patricia Cadavid

* The Web sites are chosen and reviewed by our online editorial staff. Sites are selected because they appear noteworthy; we do not endorse them or the products and services they may contain.

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